Perú – Expeditions in the amazonian lowlands


In 2012 I‘ve completed a group of three aquarists to go to the amazonian lowlands in Perú. We have visited the best known rivers like the Itaya, Momon, and Nanay rivers. Furthermore we‘ve made an expedition to the Tapiche river.
On these trips we‘ve caught many different catfishes like plecos (esp. Panaqolus),
whiptails and Corys, but also dwarf cichlids like Apistogramma, and tetras and larger cichlids, too. Additionally we have visited some exporters of ornamental fish that I will show, too.

Vortragsanfrage (EN)


Andreas Tanke

For more than 10 years I have been working as a specialist author and speaker in aquaristics. My main topic is the ichthyofauna of South America, especially the plecos and dwarf cichlids.

I hold my lectures at meetings or events of aquarium associations, specialized shops or at trade fairs at home and abroad.

Recently I was on a three-week lecture tour in the US, but I also like to come to your aquarium club, whether it's a small gathering or an event with several hundred participants.