by Andreas Tanke | 6. 05. 2018
Perú – Expeditions in the amazonian lowlands
In 2012 I‘ve completed a group of three aquarists to go to the amazonian lowlands in Perú. We have visited the best known rivers like the Itaya, Momon, and Nanay rivers. Furthermore we‘ve made an expedition to the Tapiche river.
On these trips we‘ve caught many different catfishes like plecos (esp. Panaqolus),
whiptails and Corys, but also dwarf cichlids like Apistogramma, and tetras and larger cichlids, too. Additionally we have visited some exporters of ornamental fish that I will show, too.
Beim Beladen des Bootes
Beim Beladen des Bootes
Amazonischer Dschungel
Amazonischer Dschungel
Salmler aus dem Río Nanay
Salmler aus dem Río Nanay
Pseudacanthicus sp. (L 452)
Pseudacanthicus sp. (L 452)
Stingray Aquarium
Stingray Aquarium
Panaqolus sp. (L 467)
Panaqolus sp. (L 467)
Camp am Río Tapiche
Camp am Río Tapiche
Aquarium Río Momon
Aquarium Río Momon
by Andreas Tanke | 6. 05. 2018
Ornamental fish imports from brazil – past, present & future
This talk will give an introduction into importing ornamental fish from Brazil. It starts in the early eighties, explains the l-number-boom, will show how the fishes are caught, kept and shipped. Furthermore I‘ll explain how the Brazilian positive list works. Not many people knows that there is such a list from the late eighties. Especially the list from January 2012 and the cognition of the Brazilian government, that the ornamental
fish trade is active environment protecting will be discussed detailed. At the end of the talk I‘ve give a foresight, with an uncertain future…
Hypancistrus zebra (L 46)
Versand von Zierfischen in Brasilien
Eine frisch eingetroffene Sendung
Hälterungsanlage in Altamira, Brasilien
by Andreas Tanke | 3. 04. 2018
In the North of Brazil – Search for new plecos
With a group of aquarists, I‘ve visited Roraima – the northern most state of Brazil – to search for unknown plecos. Together with local fishermen we were able to discover several new L-numbers and also some Corys. With the Jatapu, Anauá and Jauaperi we have examined three autonomous river systems. In this talk I‘ll show not only pictures of the fishes we caught, but also some views of the towns and, of course, many biotope pictures and data will be shown. We have caught not only catfishes, but also some known and unknown tetras and cichlids.
Panaqolus claustellifer (L 306)
Panaqolus claustellifer (L 306)
Panaqolus claustellifer (L 306)
Panaqolus claustellifer (L 306)
Rio Amajari in Roraima, Brasilien / Rio Amajari in Roraima, Brazil
Savanne in Roraima, Brasilien / Savanna in Roraima, Brazil
Roraima, Brasilien / Roraima, Brazil
Savanne in Roraima, Brasilien / Savanna in Roraima, Brazil
Rio Uraricoera in Roraima, Brasilien / Rio Uraricoera in Roraima, Brazil
Rio Uraricoera in Roraima, Brasilien / Rio Uraricoera in Roraima, Brazil
Rio Jatapu, Roraima, Brasilien / Rio Jatapu, Roraima, Brazil
Igarapé, Roraima, Brasilien / Igarapé, Roraima, Brazil
Igarapé in Roraima, Brasilien / Igarapé in Roraima, Brazil
Boa Vista in Roraima, Brasilien / Boa Vista in Roraima, Brazil
Pseudacanthicus leopardus
Pseudacanthicus leopardus
Stromversorgung in Vista Alegre, Roraima, Brasilien / Power supply in Vista Alegre, Roraima, Brazil
Unser Reisemobil vor unserem Hotel / Our truck in front of our hotel