by Andreas Tanke | 17. 06. 2018
Northern Brazil – Origin of ornamental fish
This talk will present selected river systems in northern Brazil. Also the main trades centers for ornamental fish like Belém, Santarém, and Altamira will be introduced. Of course the fish from there will not be glimpsed…
Cachoeira Grande do Rio Iriri
Ancistrini sp. (L 82)
Cachoeira Grande do Rio Iriri
empty snail shells on the bottom of the Rio Xingu
Scobinancistrus aureatus (L 14)
Rio Branquinho – a black water river
Pseudolithoxus sp. “Branquinho” (L 492)
Panaqolus claustellifer (L 306)
by Andreas Tanke | 16. 05. 2018
Energy saving breeding installation
Hereby I‘ll explain the building of an energy saving breeding installation.
In autumn 2013 I have started to plan an installation in a specific room in my house. This installation is planned to be energy saving and efficient in the necessary care requirements. The building of that installation will be presented in detail.
This talk can also be combined with other short talks to an evening event.
Water supply and drainage
The finished installation
by Andreas Tanke | 16. 05. 2018
The Rio Xingu is one of the most important tributaries of the amazon in Brazil. I‘ll present the situation in the low water season and compare it with the high water season, when most rapids are flooded. Especially I give information about the actual situation at the Belo Monte dam and what that means for the future! Furthermore I‘ll present the breeding facility from UFPA that is managed by Leandro Sousa.
Pimental Staudamm
Belo Monte Staudamm
Belo Monte Staudamm
Belo Monte Staudamm
Belo Monte Staudamm
by Andreas Tanke | 16. 05. 2018
L-Numbers – not only from clear water
In this talk I sum up some rare L-Numbers and Plecos of the last years.
Most of them arrived Europe just in small numbers, like Panaqolus sp. (L 482) where just 13 specimen arrived us. I‘ll present these fishes and also some biotopes where they live. This talk will contain fishes from French-Guyana, Brazil, Perú and some other southamerican countries.
Lasiancistrus sp. (L 479)
by Andreas Tanke | 6. 05. 2018
Spawning of plecos – basics and examples
This talk is to explain the basics of breeding plecos. I‘ll start with their natural habitats. Afterwards I‘ll give information about their care and the most important requirements for spawning plecos. Also breeding and and overview of useful accessories for that will be shown. After that I‘ll present spawning logs of specific species as some examples. At the end you will see international keeping and breeding installations and I‘ll explain, based on my own installation, how you can keep, spawn and breed plecos in an efficient and energy saving way…
seichte Bucht am Rio Xingu
Stromschnelle Am Rio Xingu
Panaqolus tankei (L398) beim Ablaichen