Introduction and breeding report of Panaqolus claustellifer (L 306)

Introduction and breeding report of Panaqolus claustellifer (L 306)

Introduction and breeding report of Panaqolus claustellifer (L 306)

In this talk I‘ll present a very nice and small pleco: Panaqolus claustellifer (L 306). That species comes from the most northern area of Brazil in Roraima state. I have found Panaqolus claustellifer (L 306) in their naturals habitats, but at home in my tanks.
In this talk I will give information about the origins of these pretty Panaqolus, by presenting photos and data of some biotope. But I will give also hints and information how I was able to spawn and breed them.
This talk can also be combined with other short talks to an evening event.

Vortragsanfrage (EN)


Andreas Tanke

For more than 10 years I have been working as a specialist author and speaker in aquaristics. My main topic is the ichthyofauna of South America, especially the plecos and dwarf cichlids.

I hold my lectures at meetings or events of aquarium associations, specialized shops or at trade fairs at home and abroad.

Recently I was on a three-week lecture tour in the US, but I also like to come to your aquarium club, whether it's a small gathering or an event with several hundred participants.