
For many years I’m visiting aquarium associations, specialist shops and trade fairs and give lectures at their events.

On this website I would now like to offer an overview of my lectures.
Here you will find lectures from a length of about 15 minutes up to two hours, just as it fits into your schedule. You are also welcome to combine several shorter ones to a larger presentation.

Furthermore, you can also put together different parts of my lectures for new lectures – just ask me and we will find a good solution.
I have already made various trips to South America (Peru, Suriname, Venezuela, Brazil, …). There I was on fish-fishing expeditions, but also visited exporters, aquarium shops and also private and professional breeders. Furthermore, I have of course also written numerous articles published in the popular aquarium or club magazines, so I have, for example, presented in the DATZ many new L-Numbers.

My presentations are given as “live lectures” using PowerPoint and last, according to your wishes, 15 to 120 minutes.

I also like to come to your aquarium club, shop, or your event around the world and present something from my program.

If you are interested, just send me an email and we will discuss everything else …

Yours Andreas Tanke

The World of Apistogramma

The World of Apistogramma

Corydoras in theory and practice

Corydoras in theory and practice

Caring and breeding installations all over the world

Caring and breeding installations all over the world

Introduction and breeding report of Panaqolus claustellifer (L 306)

Introduction and breeding report of Panaqolus claustellifer (L 306)

Wood Eaters – the loricariids of the genera Panaqolus, Panaque and Cochliodon

Wood Eaters – the loricariids of the genera Panaqolus, Panaque and Cochliodon

Venezuela – traveling with JBL and aquarists

Venezuela – traveling with JBL and aquarists

Biotopes of plecos at Rio Xingu

Biotopes of plecos at Rio Xingu

Northern Brazil – Origin of ornamental fish

Northern Brazil – Origin of ornamental fish

Energy saving breeding installation

Energy saving breeding installation

Overview of important accessories for the breeding of plecos

Overview of important accessories for the breeding of plecos

Overview about important accessories for breeding of apistos

Overview about important accessories for breeding of apistos

Panaqolus tankei (L 398) – Origin and Breeding

Panaqolus tankei (L 398) – Origin and Breeding

Plecos of Amazonia

Plecos of Amazonia

Changings in Cichlid Biotopes at the Rio Xingu

Changings in Cichlid Biotopes at the Rio Xingu

Changings at Rio Xingu

Changings at Rio Xingu

L-Numbers – not only from clear water

L-Numbers – not only from clear water

Spawning of plecos – basics and examples

Spawning of plecos – basics and examples

Panaqolus – An overview in theory and practice

Panaqolus – An overview in theory and practice

Perú – Expeditions in the amazonian lowlands

Perú – Expeditions in the amazonian lowlands

Ornamental fish imports from brazil – past, present & future

Ornamental fish imports from brazil – past, present & future

Suriname – On the trail of the ornamental fish

Suriname – On the trail of the ornamental fish

In the North of Brazil – Search for new plecos

In the North of Brazil – Search for new plecos

Andreas Tanke

For more than 10 years I have been working as a specialist author and speaker in aquaristics. My main topic is the ichthyofauna of South America, especially the plecos and dwarf cichlids.

I hold my lectures at meetings or events of aquarium associations, specialized shops or at trade fairs at home and abroad.

Recently I was on a three-week lecture tour in the US, but I also like to come to your aquarium club, whether it's a small gathering or an event with several hundred participants.